Thursday, July 4, 2013

Beautifully Bald

February of last year (2012) my childhood friend, Hannah, was diagnosed with Leukemia.  This hit me hard.  Though we didn't maintain a very active relationship as adults, Hannah and I were best friends when we were little..we did everything together... had sleep overs, made up our own secret club, talked endlessly, teased our siblings (once even froze her sister's underwear)... you know, the things best friends do.  As adults, we visited each other when we could - our friendship never skipping a beat regardless of how much time had passed since the previous visit.

Hannah & Sara circa 1990
When I found out about Hannah's diagnosis, I was really shaken.  The big C.  Ugh.
I had all the thoughts anyone might... We're too young for this. Why do bad things happen to good people? She doesn't deserve it. It's not fair....and so on.  But, trite as it may be, life is life.  And you can never plan what that means; you can only do your best with what you're given.  So, as an act of solidarity with Hannah and as an inspiration for others to take any positive action they could, I decided to shave my head.  Click here to read the original story.

Hannah went through many chemo treatments.  I wrote some letters... never as many as I wanted to.  She did well, and the Leukemia seemed to pass.  Our hair started to grow.

Two days ago I mentioned to my husband that I was due to donate blood again.  In the wake of everything I had became more aware of donating when I could.

Then yesterday I received the news that Hannah's Leukemia had resurfaced.  The fight wasn't over.

The fight continues.  And I'm with Hannah all the way.

So, once again, I'm sporting a new haircut.  The twins don't like it, but I explained to them why and that Buddha doesn't have any hair, either.  They seemed to like that idea.

So, again, in honor of Hannah... please donate blood, money, platelets, time, a smile, ANYTHING to someone in need.  How much time a day do you spend on your hair and make-up? Could you give a little bit of that time this month?  Respond to this blog post telling what you did to honor Hannah or what you did to give to someone in need.  Thanks!

With endless love,
Sara Wilde Parry

Sara & Hannah circa 1992

Sara 1979 -- nothing wrong with being bald

Sara Wilde 2013 -- still nothing wrong with being bald

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